Last year, despite how much I love professional football, I was dead last in my NFL fantasy league. Steve would regularly remind me of this fact. Even months after the season ended. It was my first try at fantasy football and the idea of drafting the entire Skins lineup seemed like a good idea at the time.
It's like putting all of your eggs in one basket, only dumber, because you've put the basket in the middle of a busy freeway.
This year, we switched away from Yahoo! to a startup called Fleaflicker. So far, it's been a much improved experience for two important reasons. Not only is Fleaflicker a superior site (with a cool mascot, too) -- I'm also currently at the top of my league.
I'm not sure how long this will last, so I'm writing about it now to properly rub it in. You'll notice that Steve (spez) is second, which really just makes him a loser.