Saturday, November 24, 2007

happy buy nothing day!

OK, so today is technically the "International Buy Nothing Day" and yesterday was the North American version (to coincide with the busiest shopping day of the year -- Black Friday).

It was easy to avoid buying anything yesterday with all the tryptophan in my system. That, and I have a fear of malls, mall Santas, and bargain hunters.

But today was a bit trickier, as my dad asked me to pick up a loaf of bread for him and my mom. Ruined by the guilt of spending a couple bucks on a loaf of whole grain bread (the artisan kind that looks all fancy and European, but admittedly tastes pretty damn good) I decided I needed to get my "Buy Nothing Day" logo up as soon as I got home.

A link titled Tomorrow is Buy Nothing Day - can you stop being a consumer for 24 hours? made it onto reddit and was followed by a choice quote from perclid:

Correction: tomorrow is Defer Your Regular Consumer Purchases for 24 Hours Day.

Oh well, I hope you enjoyed the day however you may have celebrated it.