I chose to welcome spring this year with a daffodil (harder to draw than you'd think).

The guys came up with a great April Fool's prank, which censored swaths of the site's text. So I needed something the following day to really convince folks that the doodles were losing their edge.
To do so, I couldn't hold anything back. I don't know much about flowers, or even plants, but I know that they don't get much more harmless. They aren't carnivorous, they aren't very scary looking, I don't even know if they do photosynthesis -- god forbid they consume a bit of sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water. Still need proof? Just do a Google image search for daisy (but make sure SafeSearch is on, because things change dramatically by page 2). What could be less threatening?

The moral of this week's logo doodles? Never go outside -- ever.
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