Friday, March 30, 2007

wii? wee! bored in line and armed with a blackberry

Waited in line (why, oh why do New Yorkers say "on line") for a little over 2 hours to get one, but it gave me time to run a few Google BlogSearches on reddit. I came across this fantastically thorough (and aptly titled) review, "Reddit - Everything you ever wanted to know about it".

Maki did a splendid job with this -- so splendid in fact, that I was feeling guilty for how our own documentation pales in comparison. But before I sit down to overhaul it, I really ought to demolish Steve in a few rounds of WiiTennis...


Jeremy Edberg said...

Dude, you should have told me you were going to wait in a two hour line. There are a bunch of stores in San Jose with Wiis in stock, and no lines. :)

alexis [kn0thing] said...

@ttv team
Thanks, Steve is finally going to get his comeuppance. And because I frankly have nothing better to be writing about, you'll probably here about it in a later entry.

Sure, but do they come with great stories?