"Arrr. Where be the logo cartoons?"
I dunno. Been busy with other stuff. Guess I haven't been "inspired", maybe I need a muse or something.
"Yarr! But today be a special day. It shouldn't be harrrrrrrrd."
Stop talking like that, Steve... Wait a tick... What's this on the reddit front page? "No Pirate-themed Reddit Alien? ARRRRRGH!"
Curses! I forgot!
After it was online, Steve reminded me that we had to appease the ninja-supporters, so as to not appear to be pirate-biased. A lot of consideration goes into these special logos.
Once a ninja got into the act, though, it was going to be difficult explaining how a pirate could conceivably emerge victorious. After all, the purpose of the ninja is to flip out and kill people.
I imagine Thursday was a day of great mourning within the pirate community.
However, as any devoted Pastafarian knows, pirates are favored by the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and we cannot begin to comprehend the effect of being touched by His noodly appendage.