On the street interview with the charming Joanne Colan of Rocketboom.
And you can learn just how much I hate spammers thanks to URLesque.
On the street interview with the charming Joanne Colan of Rocketboom.
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alexis [kn0thing]
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Labels: hating spammers, oh boy, ROFLthing, videos
Also in attendance were several members of the geek elite, including Jay Maynard, better known by his nickname Tron Guy for a spandex bodysuit rigged with blue lights to resemble the main character from the 1982 Disney movie “Tron”; Rex Sorgatz, a well-known blogger; and Alexis Ohanian, co-founder of social bookmarking news site Reddit.Being mentioned in the same sentence as Jay Maynard is enough to make someone feel like a geek elite -- Jenna went and put icing on that florescent TRONcake.
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alexis [kn0thing]
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Labels: new york times, ROFLDNA, ROFLthing, urban cowboy no match for tronguy
A little while ago, I had a nice phone interview with the National Journal about the role of technology within the Obama White House. My synthesized thoughts follow those of Lawrence Lessig, a humbling position indeed.
Alexis Ohanian is one of the founders of the popular site Reddit.com, which launched in 2005 and is used by thousands to rank which news stories appear on the site's home page. Based on what he's seen with Reddit, he said, most Americans won't bother going to a site to rank projects to fund, and of those people who do visit, most won't contribute a vote. What will remain, he hopes, are people who consider themselves informed enough to cast a vote. For his part, Ohanian takes transparency a step further, dreaming of a day when the Internal Revenue Service lets Americans log in to see how their individual tax dollars are being spent and then lets them redirect their money.Reading it this way, I felt compelled to clarify what appears to be a rather bleak forecast for participation.
Based on what he's seen with Reddit, he said, most Americans won't bother going to a site to rank projects to fund, and of those people who do visit, most won't contribute a vote.My belief that most Americans wouldn't bother going is a combination of apathy (something I believe these technologies would ameliorate) and that the majority of reddit traffic is not logged in -- and thus non-voting.
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alexis [kn0thing]
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Labels: a new white house, changing government, interviews, lawrence lessig is a beast, national journal
LATimes blogger, Mark Milian, emailed in the run up to President Obama's (haven't gotten tired of saying that yet) inauguration. He was curious to know what kind of traffic surge we expected and if there was anything we were doing to prepare. While we take great pride in our 'reddit is down' messages, we didn't expect to need them -- thankfully, I didn't eat my words:
And Reddit is equally unworried.Yes, I did leak it. And I'm not ashamed of it. But I'm even happier we didn't need to use it.
"Actually, we're expecting a bigger traffic spike on Wednesday as people come back to their computers loaded with stories to share from the day before," Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian said in an e-mail. "Granted, there will be plenty of people watching the inauguration with a computer on their lap, but it won't be a surge significant enough to affect us."
But Reddit has thrown together a new "site is down" image (pictured at left) in case any problems arise.
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alexis [kn0thing]
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Labels: eating words is fattening, happy inauguration day, la times, leakage
Steve McKee wrote a piece for BusinessWeek explaining Why Social Media Is Worth Small Business Owners' Time. Although I'm not entirely convinced social media is really worth small business owners' time, I enjoyed the zen-like opening to his argument:
The first thing I want to encourage you to do is relax. Take a deep breath and release that tightness in your chest. This column isn't about making you feel stupid for not knowing what Reddit.com is, or chastising you for not having three extra hours a day to spend tweeting and blogging. I simply want to encourage you to get started. (For background on social media, check out this story.)But the implication that not knowing what reddit.com is grounds for making someone feel stupid is a nice touch. Evidently, the alien is worth knowing about. Fear not, reddit-virgins, we'll welcome you with open arms -- probably. And if you do find yourself at odds with various communities, you can always just create your own reddit.
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alexis [kn0thing]
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Labels: businessweek has redditors among them, leaving notes on cars, reddit in the news, shoutout
At the moment, it has 175 points on ads.reddit. We've had voting on reddit ads for a long time now and even my favorite house ads never got more than a dozen points. Until now.
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alexis [kn0thing]
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Labels: bobblehead, parodying a virus for profit, penis enlargement ads
Don Reisinger of cnet offers some tips for downsizing your network portfolio. We only need to be subscribed to so many dot-coms with silly names, right?
Well not only does he nail the difference between social bookmarking (e.g., delicious) and news aggregation, he also happens to think reddit is "the keeper."
Trying to find the ideal news aggregator on the Web can be difficult. Depending on your definition, there's conceivably hundreds of services that package the best stories into one page. But it's the "social" news aggregation services, like Digg, Reddit, and StumbleUpon that lead the pack. And although Digg is the most popular service in that grouping, I'm a firm believer that Reddit deserves to stay in your portfolio as your chosen news aggregation service.Needless to say, team reddit is pretty pleased with the review. The quote our community manager, Erik: Smaller, odd, rabies-free, and pack leader. reddit = Cesar Millan!
Normally, I would pick the social site that offers the largest and most engaged community. But when it comes to news aggregation sites, Digg simply doesn't cut it. Sure, it's the biggest and arguably the most important to content sites, but that alone doesn't make it the best. Instead, I find Reddit's site design, while simple and ugly to some, incredibly useful and designed to help users find the best stories as quickly as possible without gaudy extras. But the most important differentiating factor working to Reddit's advantage is its community. It might be smaller than Digg's, but generally, the comments on each story are more edifying and lack the invective that has become a staple for Kevin Rose's brainchild.
Reddit may not be the biggest, its site design may be odd, and its community not as rabid, but in terms of providing interesting stories on a slew of topics without as much "gaming," it leads the pack and deserves to be in your social network portfolio.
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alexis [kn0thing]
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Labels: cesar millan is a dog whisperer, cnet, i still think redditors are pretty rabid, keep your portfolio trim, loving the love
Dreams really do come true. I gave my first presentation entirely with LOLcat photos along with three other guys who probably spend too much time on the Internet. The conference was the Magazine Publisher's Association's 4th Digital Conference held in New York last February and I haven't had a PowerPoint experience quite like it since. The MPA audience was quite receptive to the silly cat photos with pidgin English captions.
Not only did they laugh, they apparently took away quite a bit, and even produced this recap that I hadn't noticed until just now. Bonus points for including my B-more Sun shoutout.
Alexis Ohanian described reddit as a site that allows users to rate what stories are worth keeping around and what stories should be sent to the lower parts of the list. Ohanian stressed that online, “great, fresh content is king.” It’s a world where a story from the Baltimore Sun could be the more important story to read than the one in The New York Times.
Readers are fickle,” he said, which can be a bad thing since users are only one click away from leaving a site. But it can also be a good thing if the site is providing good, fresh content—people won’t leave right away and a connection could be born. “Once it gets online, brand is less important. It’s still important but content is king.”
Ohanian encouraged magazine publishers to build up their online content in order to take advantage of those readers who are fanatics about the publication. They can read the print edition every day for the month and net the publisher nothing, or they can visit the site every day and net the publisher some gain.
He also encouraged publishers to get involved with user-generated content. “They’ll do a lot of work for you and for free,” he said. One example he used was an editor posting a question and readers posting their thoughts alongside other content. “It feeds itself for relatively little work,” he noted. Letting that kind of conversation occur will help build a loyal community.
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alexis [kn0thing]
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Labels: lolerpoint, lolsentation, magazine publishers association, powerpoint will never be the same
Mentally Incontinent is a book by Joe Peacock and the Internet. He wrote it, they edited it. Think of it as a collection of those funny stories you read about on the Internet, only they all happened to one guy (Joe). Better yet, imagine Joe as that friend you have (or wish you had) who always has those hilarious stories he tells you over a few beers. This book reads just like that beer-fueled storytelling.
And here's the best part: he's actually a nice guy. It's like Tucker Max without all the douchecockery.
So help Joe write more books and buy a copy of Mentally Incontinent for someone you love or even just like (or yourself, if you don't like yourself, this book might change that).
Either because the economy sucks or because he's a classy guy, Joe made the book available for your reading pleasure on Google. Take a look-see.
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alexis [kn0thing]
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Labels: books are cool too, fun with the internet, joe the peacock, mentally incontinent
Fun fact: Blogger.com and all blogspot blogs are blocked in Vietnam. While this is mildly inconveniencing for the traveler, for Vietnamese, this kind of censorship must be quite frustrating -- not just because they can't read my blog. Combine Vietnam's rapid development with the growing global movement for Internet freedom and I'm certain the government will find this censorship harder and harder to maintain. And that's a great thing.
Anyway, here's a recap of reddit news from the last couple of weeks:
We continued our well-publicized love affair with Treehuger, which published its top 25 reddited stories of 2008.There were some epic Zune pun threads on reddit thanks to an epic Zune failure. The Guardian reported on the pun-tastic behavior, as did CrunchNotes.
The LATimes found the modern hobo code traveling up the reddit front page.
And Gizmodo reported on the greatness of the Yoshimoto Cube, which bubbled up on science.reddit.
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alexis [kn0thing]
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Labels: happy new year, reddit in the news, vietnam
this is the personal blog of Alexis [kn0thing] Ohanian, so I won't clutter our reddit dev blog. I started reddit with Steve Huffman back in June 05 and also happen to be responsible for the site's alien mascot (pictured above).
This blog used to be a glimpse into web 2.0 startup life, but now that we've sold out, it's an assortment of design/startup/geek-related things.