Tuesday, September 18, 2007

pink shirt solidarity

Having been both a bully and bullied growing up (more of the latter, really) it felt great to read this story from a Canadian high school. Given the response not only on reddit, but from the greater online community, I think a lot of folks were impressed by David Shepherd and Travis Price.

The alien even decided to wear its pink shirt all weekend long.

I contacted the journalist, Ian Fairclough, to applaud him for reporting the story and ask that he pass along the collective congrats of the reddit community to those two high schoolers (see, even a cynic like me appreciates a feel-good news story every now and then). According to Fairclough, the article was a major traffic success compared to what Nova Scotia's Chronicle Herald usually gets.

To think, it's likely I'd never have seen it if it weren't for a bunch of redditors.

Anyway, we've sold out of most of our merch, so with our new shipment will come the long-awaited pink reddit shirt. Really, we've gotten a lot of requests from this in the past and the first two shirts are going to be sent to Shepherd and Price.

Shameless marketing plug? Or genuine show of appreciation? You decide!